4.08 Student Academic Integrity Policy

The purpose of the Central Piedmont Student Academic Integrity Policy is to support the continued growth and development of a strong academic community, based on the principles of academic honesty and integrity.

Although the commitment to maintaining and enforcing high standards of academic honesty and integrity at Central Piedmont rests with all members of the College community, faculty members in particular are charged with taking measures to preserve, transmit, and model those standards through example in their own academic pursuits and in the learning environment which they create for their students. As members of the College's academic community, students are equally obligated to take an active role in the preservation of the standards of academic honesty and integrity, and encourage others to respect those standards.

It is the expectation of the College that students maintain absolute integrity and high standards of individual honor in their academic work. Conduct that violates the standards of academic honesty and integrity and is subject to disciplinary action. Actions may include, but are not limited to:

b. Fabrication and falsification;

d. Abuse of academic materials;

e. Corruption of software, technology or hardware; and,

f. Complicity in academic dishonesty.

Students are expected not to give or receive help during tests, examinations, clinical reviews, assignments, or projects in a class setting, unless authorized by the faculty member of record.

Any student who violates the Central Piedmont Student Academic Integrity Policy is subject to academic disciplinary action. Such action may include, but is not limited to, entry of the incident in the records of the Office of Student Conduct and Civility, reduced grades, dismissal from College classes, programs, and activities, academic probation, dismissal from the College, or other serious sanction.

II. Definitions

A. Cheating

The intentional use or attempt to use unauthorized materials, information, notes, study aids, or other devices in any academic exercise, including the unauthorized communication of information during an academic exercise.

B. Fabrication and Falsification

The intentional and unauthorized invention or alteration of any information or citation in an academic exercise. Fabrication is a matter of inventing or counterfeiting information for use in any academic exercise. Falsification is a matter of altering information.

C. Plagiarism

The intentional or knowing presentation of the work of another individual without proper acknowledgment of the source. It includes stealing words or ideas from another person, website, article, book, or any other source, and representing them as one’s own in a paper, speech, oral report, exam, quiz, project, or other media. The sole exception to the requirement of acknowledging sources is when the ideas or information is common knowledge.

D. Abuse of Academic Materials

Making inaccessible, destroying, or stealing library or other academic resource material, including computer software or equipment. Violations may be referred to civil authorities for prosecution under the law.

E. Corruption of Software, Technology, or Hardware

Rendering ineffective or inaccessible, or destroying computer software and/or databases, operating systems, or equipment through the installation of a computer virus or by other means.

F. Complicity in Academic Dishonesty

Intentionally or knowingly helping or attempting to help another to commit an act of academic dishonesty, including but not limited to cheating, fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism.

III. Regulations

A. Violations of standards of academic honesty and integrity, and repeated or aggravated violations of those standards, may result in dismissal, disciplinary suspension, or the imposition of lesser penalties, as appropriate.

B. Faculty members, College administrators, librarians, lab personnel, counselors, or other personnel noticing infractions of the standards of academic honesty and integrity may be responsible for instituting disciplinary procedures in response to those violations. The penalties that may be assessed include, but are not limited to, any of the following:

  1. A formal written warning.
  2. A reduced grade (including F) for the assignment.
  3. A reduced grade (including F) for the course.
  4. Dismissal from class for the remainder of the term.
  5. Placing a record of the incident in the Office of Student Conduct and Civility.
  6. Being placed on academic probation
  7. Being placed on academic suspension
  8. Referring violations to civil authorities for prosecution under the law.

C. In cases where the act of academic dishonesty is particularly flagrant, having import beyond the specific course in which the violation occurred, or when there is a pattern of dishonesty which appears to be undeterred by imposing lesser penalties, a College faculty or staff member may institute proceedings leading to disciplinary suspension from the College. The faculty or staff member, through his/her immediate supervisor, may request in writing from the Office of Student Conduct and Civility, that disciplinary suspension proceedings be initiated. The request should include a description of the dishonest acts and any available documentation. The College regulations in effect at that time for Disciplinary Suspension and Due Process will be followed.

D. The following factors are considered in all determinations of penalty:

  1. The nature and seriousness of the offense;
  2. The injury or damage resulting from the misconduct;
  3. The student's motivation at the time of the violation;
  4. The student's prior disciplinary record, if any; and,
  5. The student's attitude and demeanor subsequent to the violation.

IV. Academic Integrity Appeal

Other than disciplinary suspension, a student wishing to appeal an academic integrity decision that affects his/her status at the College should first appeal to the College faculty or staff member making the decision. If the student is not satisfied after making their appeal to the faculty or staff member, an appeal should be made to the appropriate supervisor or curriculum associate dean. If not satisfied by the decision at the director level, the student should appeal to the appropriate dean. Failing to receive satisfaction at that level, the student is authorized to appeal to the appropriate vice president. The decision of the vice president is final.

Related Procedures


Approved by the Board of Trustees on January 13, 1993; May 6, 2020

Modified on February 28, 2006