


The Chicago-Kent Intellectual Property Law Society (“IPLS”) is a student-run organization having its principal place of business at the graduate campus of the
Illinois Institute of Technology’s College of Law.

IPLS is committed to improving student education and awareness in the field of Intellectual Property (IP), emphasizing patent law, copyright law, and trademark law. IPLS educates students in the legal, ethical, technological, political, and sociological perspectives of Intellectual Property. IPLS supports the advancement of humankind in the arts and sciences.

To accomplish these goals, IPLS conducts student activities, in coordination with the director and faculty of the Chicago-Kent Program in Intellectual Property. IPLS works with, and complements, the Program to ensure that students receive a quality education in the field of IP. IPLS also maintains a database of course outlines, to assist students in their study of the law. IPLS ensures that the database contains only the very best outlines, as part of a commitment to excellence in education.


These Bylaws derive their authority from the IPLS Constitution, which is incorporated by reference. Articles and sections of the Bylaws are numbered to correspond to the sections within the Constitution from which they draw their power or effect.


Section 1.1. Procedure to enact, amend, and repeal Bylaws.

Any Officer or Member may propose:

A proposal to change the Bylaws shall be brought to the attention of the Executive Board as soon as is practicable. If the change would be allowed under the Constitution, the Board will submit the proposal to the Members. The proposal will be adopted upon a majority vote of all of the Members.

Section 1.1.1. Exceptions.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, changes to this Article I shall be made only upon a three-fourths vote of all of the Members. Notwithstanding the foregoing, consistent with Article IV section 2 of the Constitution, amendments to Article IV of these Bylaws conforming to changes in the name or position of the Arbitrator shall be made by the President and Secretary upon due notice to the Executive Board, without requiring a vote by the Members.


Section 2.1. Qualification for Membership.

Any student in good academic standing at Chicago-Kent may become a Member of the Society. A student who has not received grades from Chicago-Kent is considered to be in good academic standing for the purposes of this Section. A Member who falls out of good academic standing shall not cease to be a Member due to the loss of standing.

A student shall no longer be qualified for Membership if he or she:

Section 2.2. Membership

Members are entitled to:

Section 2.3. Admission and Removal of Members.

Section 2.3.1. Admission of Members.

The procedures for admitting Members shall be at the discretion of the Secretary and the Treasurer.

Section 2.3.2. Removal of Members.

A Member shall be removed from Membership only upon the following events:

A Member shall be removed for cause only upon a unanimous vote of the Board.


Section 3.1. Other Officers.

IPLS shall have a Publicist, who shall be an Officer and member of the Executive Board.

IPLS may appoint other Officers at the discretion of the full Executive Board. In addition, IPLS may or may not appoint these additional Officers to the Executive Board.

IPLS shall not have a single person be President and Treasurer concurrently.

Section 3.2. Duties of the Officers.

The President shall:

The Secretary shall:

The Treasurer shall:

The Vice President shall:

The Publicist shall:

If appointed, other Officers shall have their duties defined by the Executive Board.

Officers may delegate their duties to other Officers with the consent of the full Executive Board.

Section 3.3. SBA Duties.

The President shall:

The Treasurer shall:

Section 3.4. Removal of Officers.

Any Officer may be removed upon a two thirds vote of the Members, but only upon a finding by the Executive Board of substantial misconduct. For purposes of conducting a removal vote, the Members must convene in a closed meeting. The vote will be by secret ballot.

Section 3.5. Succession.

If any member of the Executive Board dies, resigns, or is removed, the remaining members of the Executive Board may appoint a member, who has previously run for the vacant position or submits an application for the vacant position, to fill said position upon a majority vote of the Executive Board.


Section 4.1. Arbitrator.

The Arbitrator shall be the Director of the Program in Intellectual Property.

Section 4.2. Removing the Arbitrator.

The Board shall choose a new Arbitrator upon the death, resignation, or retirement of the current Arbitrator.

The President shall submit candidate names for an interim replacement, from which the Board shall unanimously choose, in the case that:


Section 5.1. Election procedures.

The Secretary shall make an announcement of elections after Spring Break of each year. The announcement will solicit candidates for Office, and list the requirements for each Office as specified by these Bylaws, and by the outgoing Executive Board for Officers not specifically established by these Bylaws. Each candidate will have the opportunity to state his or her qualifications for Office, subject to the Secretary’s reasonable discretion.

The Secretary shall publish candidate statements to the Members at least three days before the date that voting concludes.

Procedures for collecting votes are at the Secretary’s reasonable discretion, provided that voting is concluded before the end of Spring Semester. The President and Secretary shall tally the votes as soon after the election as is practicable.

The Secretary shall publish the results of the election following its conclusion.

Section 5.2. Challenging Election Results
Any IPLS member can challenge the results of an election by filing an appeal with SBA within seven (7) days of the election.


Section A.1. Executive Board meetings.
Meetings of the Executive Board for official business shall be held at a time and place convenient to the Board members, but at least once per calendar month. The President shall chair each such meeting. Board members may declare their inability to attend a meeting, but no meeting at which official business is conducted shall be held without the knowledge of all Board members.

Meetings between Officers for unofficial business may be held at any time or place.

For the purposes of this Section A.1, “official business” means any business or activity of IPLS requiring the agreement of more than one Officer.

Section A.2. Membership meetings.

Meetings of the general Membership for official business (general meetings) shall be held at a time and place convenient to the Members. The President shall chair each such meeting. Only Members shall attend these meetings. Only Members shall be eligible to vote.

Meetings of the general Membership for unofficial business shall be held at a time and place designated by the Executive Board. Any Officer may chair such meetings. Any Member may attend these meetings.

For the purposes of this Section A.2, “official business” means any business or activity of IPLS requiring consent of the Members.


Section B.1. Summary of Officer duties.

The President has the following duties: