Legal Consequences of Leaving the Scene of an Accident in Illinois

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When a person is involved in an auto accident, it generally triggers the fight-or-flight response. If you have done something wrong, it is likely that your gut will tell you to leave the scene and hope that no one sees you or notices your license plate number. Even if you were backing from a parking spot and scraped another vehicle and left the scene, you can face legal consequences for a hit and run in Illinois.

It should not be a surprise that leaving the scene of an accident in Illinois is a criminal offense in Illinois and can have serious ramifications. Leaving the scene of an auto accident is also known as a hit and run accident, and carries harsh punishments for the responsible party upon conviction.

Regardless of who was at-fault for an accident, leaving the scene of an accident in Illinois is against the law. You are required to stop and offer aid to anyone who may have been injured in the accident. You must also exchange personal information and details of insurance so that the affected party can make a claim to get compensation for their damages.

Penalties and Charges of a Hit and Run in Illinois

Illinois laws regarding leaving the scene of a traffic accident are laid out in 625 ILCS 5/11-402 Several factors can affect the severity of charges depending on the specific circumstances of your case. Here is an overview of penalties and charges in a hit and run accident in Illinois:

Contact An Auto Accident Attorney In Rockford With Experience In Hit and Run Accidents In Illinois

If you were involved in a hit and run accident in Illinois and the other driver fled the scene, you must make a police report and inform your insurance company of the incident. It is advisable to work with an car accident attorney in Rockford to ensure you get the compensation you deserve to recover your damages. Contact Fisk & Monteleone Ltd. today at (815) 658-0216 to schedule a free case consultation with one of our experienced attorneys.