How to write a proposal? | C1 Advanced (CAE)

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A proposal may be written for colleagues or club members, or for a boss or a college principal. It should provide suggestions for a future project or event in order to persuade the reader to take some form of action.

This may already seem familiar to you because it is quite similar to report writing in C1 Advanced CAE however, there’s one major difference:

Reports – are always written about something that happened in the past for example a survey that you’ve conducted or an excursion that you went on or some kind of panel discussion that you’ve visited.

Proposals – on the other hand, always deal with something in the present/future . The focus of a proposal is always on evaluating a situation as well as making a suggestion or recommendation for the future.

C1 Advanced (CAE) Proposal: Structure

1. Title + Introduction
The aims of this proposal are to…
2. Main content

Subheading 1
Paragraph 1:
Describe the current situation


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C1 Advanced (CAE) Proposal: Writing Guide

We will use the example topic below:

There are plans to demolish an old and unused building in the town where you are student. You feel that the building should be saved. You decide to write a proposal for the town council explaining why you think the building should be preserved, suggesting what could be done to modernise it and saying how the building could benefit the local people.

Write your proposal (around 220 – 260 words)

Step 1: Find the topic points & topic

The first question you should ask yourself is what topic do I have to write about in your proposal? Knowing the topic always gives you a general idea as well as some inspiration for possible vocabulary that you might want to include in your text.

The second question should be what exactly do I have to include in my text? Here we try to filter out the specific topic points which we need to address in our writing.

There are plans to demolish an old and unused building in the town where you are student. You feel that the building should be saved . (topic: old building that the city wants to demolish and you want to save it ) You decide to write a proposal for the town council (target reader) explaining why you think the building should be preserved, (topic point) suggesting what could be done to modernise (topic point) it and saying how the building could benefit the local people. (topic point)

Topic: old building that the city wants to demolish and you want to save it

Main key points:

  1. why you think the building should be preserved,
  2. what could be done to modernise
  3. how the building could benefit the local people.

Finally, you should always check who’s going to read your text knowing the reader helps you choose the most appropriate style and register in our example we are writing to the city council as these people are city officials we should use a formal style for our proposal.

Target reader: town council

As soon as we’ve analyzed the task and extracted all the information that we need we can start building our structure and writing a proposal.


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Step 2: Title + Introduction

The title doesn’t have to be anything special but it is important that you include one as this is a typical feature of a proposal and it could be something like:

in this way, the title will have an appropriately formal connotation. See both examples below: Title: Proposal to modernise the old brewery
Title: Old brewery modernisation: a proposal

The introduction must contain three main things that you should include:

  1. purpose of your proposal in which you should explain your purpose for writing
    The proposal is intended to…..
  2. you should restate the topic of the task (see step 1)
  3. The three main key points that you discovered (see step 1)

See sample introduction & title:

Title: Old brewery modernisation: a proposal

This proposal is intended to (appropriate beginning) outline why the old brewery on ABC Street should not be demolished (topic) and is worth protecting, (point 1) how it could be turned into a valuable asset (point 2) for the town and in what ways it could be of use (point 3) for the residents of the town.

TIP: Note that a proposal is written in the future tense or with reference to the future in that it differs from a report.

Step 3: The body paragraphs (main content)

Group your ideas under headings for each section of your proposal. Remember to answer all the questions that you were asked (see step 1) You’re going to use some formal or semi-formal language and also some passive structures such as “it is advisable that..” or “it is recommended that….”

Main key points (see step 1):

  1. why you think the building should be preserved,
  2. what could be done to modernise
  3. how the building could benefit the local people.

See the example main content below, with additional annotations you may find useful:

The brewery as an opportunity. – add headings/simple, informative, formal
The old brewery building with its central location at ABC Street and unique architecture is still considered a focal point of the town centre by the vast majority of people. While it has not been in use for some years, It has great sentimental value as indicated in conversations with local residents . Therefore , it would be an unrecoverable loss to demolish the building when there are other possibilities for using the facility.

[describes first point – why the building should be preserved,]

Modernization – add headings/simple, informative, formal
According to city conservators, (rely on sources, stats and experts) the modernisation of a building this old can be a challenge as everything from the ground up needs renovation. However , some local architects would be willing to work together and develop a design that takes into account the financial constraints of the public budget as well as environmental factors. To illustrate, the initial estimated costs for modernization are $300,000 and 6 months (add figures) of construction and design works.

It is strongly recommended (use passive voice) to turn the brewery into a co-working space so the rent will offset 15-20% of the costs in order to give the town a modern touch on a historic site.

[describes first point – what could be done to modernise]

Future benefits – add headings/simple, informative, formal
Considering all of the above , if the following suggestions were taken , (use conditionals) there would be great benefits for everybody involved. Moreover , the town would create another source of income, the space would attract creative professionals and not only would it benefit them, but local residents would also be able to keep their brewery in the town centre.

[describes third point – how the building could benefit the local people.]

– statistics, details, relevant detailed information, sources of information

– transitional words, expressions and conjunctions, which link the sentences and make the text more fluid

Step 5: Final recommendations

In the last section/paragraph of your proposal, we need to conclude our proposal and make our final suggestions (after all that’s the main reason for writing the proposal). Make sure that you include your final suggestions in this last paragraph as well as some persuasive language.

Conclusion – add a hea ding
All things considered, the benefits and needs of the inhabitants speak for the preservation of the brewery and its modernization into a co-working space. On behalf of the residents, I strongly urge the council to consider this proposal.
– persuasive language

See full proposal…

Full Proposal

Old brewery modernisation: a proposal

This proposal is intended to outline why the old brewery on ABC Street should not be demolished and is worth protecting, how it could be turned into a valuable asset for the town and in what ways it could be of use for the residents of the town.

The brewery as an opportunity.
The old brewery building with its central location at ABC Street and unique architecture is still considered a focal point of the town centre by the vast majority of people. While it has not been in use for some years, It has great sentimental value as indicated in conversations with local residents. Therefore, it would be an unrecoverable loss to demolish the building when there are other possibilities for using the facility.

According to city conservators, the modernisation of a building this old can be a challenge as everything from the ground up needs renovation. However, some local architects would be willing to work together and develop a design that takes into account the financial constraints of the public budget as well as environmental factors. To illustrate, the initial estimated costs for modernization are $300,000 and 6 months of construction and design works.

It is strongly recommended to turn the brewery into a co-working space so the rent will offset 15-20% of the costs in order to give the town a modern touch on a historic site.

Future benefits
Considering all of the above, if the following suggestions were taken, there would be great benefits for everybody involved. Moreover, the town would create another source of income, the space would attract creative professionals and not only would it benefit them, but local residents would also be able to keep their brewery in the town centre.

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C1 Advanced (CAE) Proposal: Sample Answers

CAE Proposal Sample 1

Proposal subject:

Language students – let us improve what we do for you!
Unfortunately, we can’t spend much money, but we’d like to improve what we provide for our language students. Submit proposals to us explaining what is useful about the current facilities we provide, describe any problems you have with them and make recommendations for how we can improve them, giving reasons to support your ideas.

Student’s CAE Proposal Answer:

How to improve the quality of language classes: a proposal

The principal objectives of this proposal are to describe the current state of language teaching at the Pennsylvania State University, identify areas for improvement, and offer recommendations on exactly what improvements can be achieved.

At the present moment, Penn State offers courses of several languages on three different levels. One can study modern languages such as French, German, Italian Russian as a beginner, intermediate or upper-intermediate student.

Following a final year survey among students taking language courses, the following areas for improvement can be highlighted:

1. the number of languages in offer: undoubtedly narrow and restricted to European languages;
2. the structure of the courses is flat: no advanced level
3. little innovation in the language methods utilized: simple, old-fashioned grammar-translation method still reigns supreme.

It is vital to address the issues raised in the student survey. Therefore, the following actions ought to be performed with a view to improving the quality of the courses and their reception:

A. The offer should be increased to include other widely-spoken languages, especially non-European ones, such as Chinese, Arabic and Hindi. These languages are real challenges for the speakers of European languages.

B. It is advisable to expand the course options by offering lessons for advanced students. Only comprehensive offer can motivate students to immerse themselves in language learning.

C. Last but not least, some variety needs to be introduced into the array of teaching methods available to students, e.g. online multimedia lessons. The best method of language learning is using many various methods.

All of these measures, if promptly implemented, are surely going to increase student satisfaction in the area of language courses.