Grade Change Requests

The online grade change system is another significant step toward replacing manual, paper-driven processes on campus with automated solutions. In addition to being far more efficient:

  1. The online process provides an audit trail
  2. Enforcement of all existing grade change policies
  3. Verifies that changes to grades are only made by the instructor for the class

Beginning with the Fall 2010 semester, instructors will use the online Grade Change Request process to submit requests to change a posted grade.

Academic Services

Office of the University Registrar

Hours for phone and email support: Monday thru Friday 9am until 4pm.
Hours for in person appointments: Monday thru Friday 10am until 4pm by appointment only.

The Office of the University Registrar is part of the Division of Enrollment.


Office of the University Registrar
UNC-Chapel Hill Suite 3100,
SASB North
CB# 2100
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-2100

Phone: (919) 962-3954
Fax: 919-962-0504

© 2024 Office of the University Registrar